With Broad Global Relationships Fulfilling Industry-Wide PPE Needs

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A Leader In Supply Chain Relationships

With relationships throughout the healthcare supply chain, HBI has assisted many healthcare providers, government entities, and private businesses with their PPE and other supply needs, driving up the efficiencies and driving down the costs.  A world-class company that's making a difference.

Below are a few of our most frequently requested products.  If you need a larger quantity, please select "Request A Quote".

If you don't see the products you need, please send us a note on the contact us page. 

Like A Compass Navigating The Oceans

Like A Light Shining Over The Seas

Taking on the biggest challenges

Pricing, access, and availability

Quality, effectiveness, and outcomes

Revitalizing and centralizing the needs of healthcare.

When words like crisis begin to disappear

Only then will our job be done.

High Quality Products

We focus only on the highest quality products, from top-tier manufacturers, using top quality materials and production methods.  Our review and research processes are continual and ongoing.

Customer Service

It takes a lot to earn the trust of customers, and so little to lose them.  Gaining your loyalty and ongoing business is number one for us, going over the top our key.  Let us know whatever it might be that you need.

Solutions Oriented

Our backgrounds are in healthcare, technology, supply chain, and business.  The question isn't always which is the best product, but which is the best "total solution" for your orgnization.

Product Intentories

In today's fast-moving world, it's not always easy to keep everything you might need on-hand but we strive to keep adequate supplies to meet immediate needs.  And it's rare our logistics magicians can't arrange to have supplies to you within your target time frames.

Manufacturer Relationships

As in most aspects of business, it takes knowing the right people to get things done.  We're always investing in our relationships including those managed by our team located in China's PPE and healthcare technology hubs.

Solid And Trusty

Solid, dependable, veterans of successful business ventures spanning hundreds of years of experience.  Situations rarely occur that we haven't been through in the past and mapped out contingency plans and strategies.

Get In Touch!

Call us today at
+1 (786) 538-5588
or email


Give us a call, send an email, schedule a live demonstration from the comfort of your chair.

Seeing is believing!

About Us

Health Best International was founded to address the runaway costs and quality of outcomes in healthcare. Focusing on diagnostic and patient-facing technologies. The very point of contact between providers and patients. After all, that's where the rubber meets the road.

We'll consider our job done only when words like challenges, crisis, and unaffordable disappear from sentences with the word healthcare.

Contact Us
Health Best Itnernational, LLC
485 Brickell Avenue, Suite 4802
Miami, Florida 33131

Phone: 1-786-538-5588
Email: info@healthbestinternational.com

(c) Copyright August 2020 Health Best International, LLC - All Rights Reserved