
Handheld Wireless Point-Of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS)

Exclusive Authorized Factory Representatives In The US

(Accept No Substitutes)

Sonostar's exclusive US representative for their handheld wireless ultrasound lets you put the power of a cart in the palm of your hand. Exceptional imaging, Multiple configurations.  A new three-in-one with linear, convex, and phased array cardio. Accommodates nearly every specialty and exam type.

With a 5g router inside it seamlessly connects and takes advantage of the amazing computing power in your Pad, iPhone, Android, or Windows device. Long-lasting battery with rapid recharge. Durability that's been drop-tested,, waterproof,, and military approved.

Be at the cutting edge of your profession.  Provide the simplest explanations to your clients, and build your billings and referral base. Isn’t it time to stop wheeling or dragging a cart or patients around, Referring out when the insight you need could be right at hand.

Warren Svee, Radiology, Vascular Surgery

Some physicians pay $40,000-$50000 to get a big cart based system. I am very impressed.

Brian Shiple, MSK, Regenerative

Center for Sports Medicine & Wellness

I am so thrilled to use this small unit. It's quick and easy. The settings allow me to do fine tune.

Armando Hernandez-Ray

OBGYN, Infertility

I'd do anything for wireless. The images are amazing!

Kory Gill, Family, MSK, Sports

I love the ability to use the auto-settings then fine tune to granular detail.

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Three-In-One Series

Our newest model.  Innovation at its best.

Linear, Convex, and Phased Array to handle superficial, deep penetration, and cardio exams and procedures.  Nearly every exam type, all in one unit.

Brought to you by HBI and Sonostar.

Linear Series

High frequency detection range for superficial examinations and smaller structures.

B&W or Color Doppler, 32/128 or 64/192 elements/channels, 7.5-10MHz and/or 10/14HMz.  Mix and match dual and triple-head models.

Brought to you by HBI and Sonostar.

Convex Series

Low frequency detection range for chest, abdomen, pelvis, and other deep penetration exams.

B&W or Color Doppler, 32/128 or 64/192 elements/channels, 3.5/5MHz.

Mix and match dual and triple-head models.

Brought to you by HBI and Sonostar.

Dual-Headed Series

Convex and linear, push of a button, switch between superficial and deep penetration, both exam types on a single unit.

Brought to you by HBI and Sonostar.

Endocavitary Series

Long, convex, high frequency detection range for transvaginal and transrectal exams and procedures.

Brought to you by HBI and Sonostar.

Bladder Volume Measurements

Real-time, three-dimensional scan for urinary bladder volume measurement with one push of the button.

Brought to you by HBI and Sonostar.


Turn on the probe, turn on the app, and a WiFi secure connection is formed.  No cables, wires, externals, or lengthy sleeves.  


Runs with most iPads, iPhones, Android, and WIndows devices for unmatched conveninence and ease of use.


Turns sounds into full-motion, realtime images of exactly what's going on inside your patient and beneath the skin.  Quick diagnosis, verification, treatment progression, and route to a cure.

Get In Touch!

Call us today at
+1 (786) 538-5588
or email

Give us a call, send an email, schedule a live demonstration from the comfort of your chair.

Seeing is believing!

About Us

Health Best International was founded to address the runaway costs and quality of outcomes in healthcare. Focusing on diagnostic and patient-facing technologies. The very point of contact between providers and patients. After all, that's where the rubber meets the road.

We'll consider our job done only when words like challenges, crisis, and unaffordable disappear from sentences with the word healthcare.

Contact Us
Health Best Itnernational, LLC
485 Brickell Avenue, Suite 4802
Miami, Florida 33131

Phone: 1-786-538-5588

(c) Copyright August 2020 Health Best International, LLC - All Rights Reserved